Subscription Policy

  1. Subscription Billing:
    • Subscriptions are recurring and billed on a monthly basis.

      Cancellation Procedure:

    • To cancel your account, please send an email to with the subject line "Cancellation Request."
    • Payments are automatic and reoccur monthly on the day of submission.
    • Voiding a transaction with your credit card will incur a $50 chargeback fee if you decide to reopen your account.

      Understanding Period:

    • We understand that circumstances may change, and therefore, we offer a 24-hour "understanding" period after a subscription. During this period, cancellations will be considered, and if requested, your subscription will not be renewed.

Please note that any cancellation requests made after the 24-hour understanding period will take effect from the next billing cycle. The chargeback fee is applicable to cover administrative costs associated with voided transactions. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation.

If you have any further questions or concerns, feel free to contact our support team at


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